Monday, May 14, 2007

Career catwalk

For all our female students…….join a nice evening 31st of May 19.00 with fashion show, models/students from University College - Vitus Bering Denmark show a new summer collection by the young Danish designer Line Hawaleschka.

You can sign in at – “Tilmeld dig”…….write your name, e-mail, and how many you want to sign up for the arrangement.

Everybody can attend but only girls can participate :D

Se – alle kvindelige ansatte/studerende er meget velkomne denne aften. Tilmeld dig arrangementet på hjemmesiden.

Og en opfordring til alle mandlige kolleger: Gi’ lillemor en friaften :o)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Fitness fans :o)

The Students Union has made an agreement with City-fitness about free training for 149kr per month, by enrolment via PBS and a binding for 6 months. You only have to show your student card when you register at the address of City-fitness.

City- fitness offers:

  • You have the possibility to get a free rehearsal hour with an instructor, before you register for membership.
  • A personal work-out program can be prepared for you.
  • Competent instructors who will instruct you whether you want to loose weight, be tightened or just get in a better shape.
  • Nice and clean training facilities, with a lot of different equipment, for instance exercise cycles, cross trainers, row machine etc.

Pictures from the new fitness center :)

If you are interested in this offer and want a free rehearsal hour, you can contact City-fitness. The opening hours are all days from 12.00 – 18.00 o’clock. Very nice personal

The adress:


Levysgade 16

8700 Horsens

Tlf: 31 95 11 48


also in Danish:
De Studerendes Forening har indgået aftale med City-fitness om fri træning for 149 kr. pr. md. Ved tilmelding via PBS. og en bindingsperiode på 6 mdr. Du skal blot vise dit studiekort ved indmeldingen som sker på City-fitness´adresse.

City-fitness tilbyder:

  • Inden du tegner medlemskab har du mulighed for en gratis prøvetime med en instruktør.
  • At få udarbejdet et personligt træningsprogram.
  • Kompetente instruktører som vejleder dig uanset om du vil tabe dig, strammes op, eller bare i bedre form.
  • Pæne og rene træningsfaciliteter, med stor kredsløbsafdeling bl.a. løbebånd, cykler crosstrainere og romaskiner, samt forskellige træningsmaskiner og frivægtsudtyr.

Er du interesseret i dette tilbud og vil have en gratis prøvetime, kan du kontakte City-fitness i receptionens åbningstid alle dage fra kl. 12.00 – 18.00

Adressen er:


Levysgade 16

8700 Horsens

Tlf: 31 95 11 48



sporty and healthy students :D

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Football match

Steen Fybo Larsen has yet again challenged the constructing architect students.
Last time he did that, he bailed out in the last minute. Did anyone say "chicken"?
We believe that this time will succed with a football match.
If U would like to support the students, please come to the footballcourts behind the school the 3d of May 2007 at 16:00. You should be able to get a laugh or two.

Så har Steen Fynbo Larsen været så letsindig at udfordre de konstruktørstuderende endu en gang. Sidst var det i håndbold, men det blev desværre ikke til noget p.g.a kolde fødder. Nu prøver vi så at tro på det lykkes med en fodboldkamp. Har du lyst til at støtte op omkring eleverne, så mød op ved boldbanerne bag skolen torsdag d. 3/5 - 2007 klokken 16.00 . Der skulle nok være mulighed for et godt grin eller to.

Have a nice and sunny day too ;o)