Saturday, February 13, 2010

For all my countryfellow students

Especially for those of you who dream about studying abroad. Don't come here and look for instant gratification by trying to impress people you don't know with money you don't have, a common romanian tragedy. Te nasti in Romania, cresti acolo, parintii tai sunt in Romania au muncit toata viata, si cand vrei sa te duci la facultate, trebuie sa platesti. DAR vii in Danemarca si nu platesti. Si cand vii aici mai si critici, ca ce prosti sunt danezii, fraieri, etc.

Pe langa asta nici nu respecta sistemul. Se fofileaza si de la scoala, ca sa munceasca pe undeva.... si intrerupe scoala dupa 2 semestre, ca nu e sistemul bun. Inca o mostra de mentalitate mioritica paguboasa. Pai daca studentii vin sa studieze se presupune ca au cu ce se intretina din moment ce sunt decisi ca urmatorii 3-4 ani sa se dedice studiilor, ori daca mami si tati nu au bani sa te tina la facultate baga tu ambitiosule niste munca vreo cativa ani (pt ca daca vrei cu adevarat sa studiezi un anumit domeniu si ai cu adevarat inclinatii in sesnsul respectiv ambitia te va ajuta) si economiseste banii sa te intretii si abia dupa aia te inscri la facultate ... asa e firesc ... studiile superioare nu sunt pt toti sau mai bine zis facultatea este "facultativa" nu "invatamant obligatoriu".

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Adam Mickiewicz's University: Poznan (Poland)

School of Economics: Warszaw (Poland)

Boston University (US)

HEC Montreal (Canada)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Testimonials about life

Let me tell you a little secret! When I was younger, during my school days I always had a dream of where I would go to university.
I pictured myself studying at the Police Academy. The Academy in Bucharest is of course one of the universities constantly listed in the top 10 of the best institutions in my country. But back then it was not so much its renowned academic virtues that interested me but more what Police Academy represented to me. I saw the academy as one of the place that gives you a high status, recognition and a safe start in life. And more than that I saw it as a place where my ideals of honesty would matched.
But eventually my dreams of Police Academy faltered a bit. When I realized the cost and the academic achievements I would need to meet to be accepted the dream seemed more and more unrealistic. So instead of leaving for the well known Academy, I settled for the South East of Denmark and Vitus Bering University (now VIA) in Horsens. And to be honest once I had made my home in the small seaside town of Horsens and had embarked on the global business engineering program there - I never looked back. And I've never once regretted that my grand dreams of Police Academy were replaced by some slightly more down to earth goals.
Denmark is wonderful and everything I could have wished for both academically, socially and culturally.
So you might ask what is the point of this little anecdote? Well, in this week I have gladly answered to a short questionnaire, together with students from different countries, in a testimonial about studyindenmark. I am sure that you will find stories from an amazing variety of students. Some students are telling stories about studying in Denmark at some of the top universities, while others have spent time in slightly less known schools. And if you would like to see & read my testimonial click here.
The point of my story is that whether you choose or dream of a world-renowned university or find yourself in a college none of your friends have ever heard about, studying abroad is in 90 percent of the time always worth it.
You may have to settle for something different than what you initially planned for and find that you are rewarded many times over. Each institution, each college or university has something different to offer. At the end of the day, you are (in most cases) the one to decide what you take home with you at the end of your stay. Aim for the stars but don't be disappointed if you have to turn your ambitions down a notch or two. It might be the best thing that ever happened to you.

Friday, January 25, 2008

This is US (3 years jubileum)

What can you feel after living one year in a whole different place, in a different country, in a different house, with different people, with different friends, speaking in a different language, in a different school, with a different weather, different food, different timetables, different habits and most of all, in a totally different lifestyle?

Credits to Danny, Porto University - PORTUGAL

Credits to Kile, Malaga University - SPAIN

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Season Greetings 2:)7

Merry Christmas all!.. may the New Year bring lots of happiness and success in everything you do!. Take care!.. remember not to partaeee too hard , easy with the booze , slow down on the roads! (that means no tokyo driftin!!) and last but not least... don't forget to leave me my Christmas pressie! haha :)

p.s. Just to say I will be in Romania from December the 20th to January the 10th. For those of you who want to get an autograph or something like that you know how to reach me! :) I appreciate if you do it!

Kisses and hugs.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Back to school ... for 1 day

This is Denmark - The One and Only :P

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Good Old Days

Århus by Night
Skagen - Northest part of Denmark

How much ?

International Day cooking

International Day with The Gang

Horsens my fairy tail town ("a lovely city")